Article written by
Chris Thomas
October 2024
I hope you are all well and looking forward to a new season of talks and visits through NORMAC.
The Diss Club does have a little problem! The Pennoyers Centre in Pulham has proved to be ideal for our needs and have made us very welcome over last year. Unfortunately, they have for this year increased their room hire considerably. I have tried very hard to negotiate a better price but their costs have gone up as well and we have little choice. I have tried a number of other venues in the area, like village halls, local pubs etc., but nothing else is suitable, so we are rather stuck with what we have got for this year at least. I am extremely grateful to a couple of our members who have agreed to underwrite some of the room hire costs for us. A very big thank you to them.
Unfortunately, the subscription will have to go up to £30 this year to cover costs. I’m really sorry about this but rising costs are a fact of life now which we can’t seem to avoid. £30 seems the general subscription rate now for most activities so I suppose we are only now bringing us into line.
We have put together a good programme for you this year starting off with a visit to Thurlow Nunn Standon (TNS) to have a detailed look at the Masey Ferguson range of tractors, so our first get-together will be a their Attleborough workshops starting at 7.00pm on Tuesday 15th October.
The other dates are as follows:
Tuesday 15th October Visit Thurlow Nunn Standen, Attleborough, M.F. Tractors – 7.00pm
Tuesday 19th November. Talk Discover D-Day, Mark Bailey. Pennoyers Centre – 7.30pm
Tuesday 17th December. Pre-Christmas Mardle/social. Pennoyers Centre – 7.30pm
Please bring Raffle prize/Christmas eats if you can
Tuesday 21st January 2025. Ben Burgess Garden Equipment – TBC
Tuesday 18th February. Vadestad Drills, A walk round. Bressingham – TBC
Tuesday 18th March. John Deere Combines. Pennoyers Centre – TBC
Visit to the Condiminium Mill at Honingham, sometime early June when the Mint crop is coming in. Group visit with Aylsham and Swaffham members – TBC
I’ll try to keep you up-dated over the phone as and if events change. Let me know of any changes to your contact details.
Chris Thomas
Find out more about joining NORMAC, where your local club meets and the benefits of being part of the group.